Otto matic power energy system
Otto matic power energy system

The environmental planning and assessment process used by DOE Transportation Energy Conservation (TEC) Division is described, particularly its use in the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle (EHV) Systems Program. Because technology demonstration and commercialization tend to raise more environmental concerns than other portions of the transportation program, most of this EDP addresses these concerns. Care is taken to include any CS/TP action that may eventually require an Environmental Impact Statement. Each EDP is intended to be so comprehensive that no concerns escape notice.

otto matic power energy system

Much of ongoing DOE reseirch and technology development is aimed at resolving concerns identified in this EDP. This EDP also describes the status of each environmental concern and the plan for its resolution. The EDP process provides a framework for: incorporating environmental concerns into CS/TP planning and decision processes early to ensure they are assigned the same importance as technological, fiscal, and institutional concerns in decision making resolving environmental concerns concurrently with energy technology and strategy development and providing a research schedule that mitigates adverse environmental effects through sound technological design or policy analysis.


This EDP update presents a research and assessment plan for resolving any potentially adverse environmental more » concerns arising from these programs. The programs include the research, development, demonstration, and assessment (RDD and A) of 14 transportation technologies and several strategy implementation projects. EDPs identify the ecosystem, resource, physical environment, health, safety, socioeconomic, and environmental control concerns associated with DOE programs. It has been prepared as a cooperative effort of the Assistant Secretaries for Conservation and Solar Energy (ASCS) Office of Transportation Programs (CS/TP) and the Environment (ASEV) Office of Environmental Assessments. This is the second annual update of the environmental development plan (EDP) for transportation programs. The program addresses each of these areas, with emphasis on improving vehicular efficiency. The methods for more » reducing per capita energy consumption in passenger and freight transportation can be broken into five categories: network improvements, operational changes, demand reductions, modal shifts, and improved vehicular energy conversion.

otto matic power energy system

This EDP presents a research and assessment plan for resolving any potentially adverse environmental concerns stemming from these programs.

otto matic power energy system

The technologies under development are listed by subprogram along with the strategies and policies. These programs include the research, development, demonstration and assessment (RDD and A) of seventeen transportation technologies and several strategy and policy development and implementation projects. It identifies the ecosystem, resource, physical environment, health, safety, and socioeconomic concerns associated with the division's transportation programs. This is the first annual update of the Environmental Development Plan (EDP) for the DOE Division of Transportation Energy Conservation program.

Otto matic power energy system